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Policy C22 - Code of Conduct
Ski for Light, Inc. ("Ski for Light" or "SFL") seeks to establish a safe, healthy, and welcoming environment for all participants, including but not limited to skiers with disabilities, instructor/guides, other volunteers, and guests. The success of Ski for Light depends on trust-the trust between skiers and guides, as well as among our wider circle of friends and supporters. All individuals attending Ski for Light events have an obligation to conduct themselves in accordance with the highest standards of ethics, respect, equity and in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws. This code of conduct policy is intended to encourage and enable any person involved with the SFL organization and/or program to raise serious concerns internally so that SFL can address and correct inappropriate conduct and actions.
Examples of conduct that is not acceptable to SFL by or towards participants, instructor/guides, other volunteers or guests includes:
- bullying, intimidation, threats or other abusive language, or violence
- inequitable or other adverse treatment based on someone's race, national origin, gender/sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, age, disability or any other protected characteristic
- unwelcome verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature
- dishonesty or fraud
- illegal conduct
- other behavior that Ski for Light finds detrimental to the best interest of the organization
Note: Safe bystander intervention can sometimes bring problematic behavior to an end. If you observe behavior that you believe is inconsistent with this Code or otherwise improper and you feel comfortable intervening, you might intervene by pointing out, respectfully, the conduct that is concerning and should stop.
Consequences for Violations
Any person found to have violated the expectations outlined in this Code may be subject to a range of consequences, up to and including assignment of a different skiing partner or roommate, removal from the event with no refund of event fees, termination of volunteer status, and/or exclusion from participation in SFL events.
Reporting Concerns
SFL strongly encourages anyone who suspects or knows of conduct in violation of this Code to come forward at the earliest possible point and report the incident to an SFL Executive Committee member. The Executive Committee includes the positions of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, two Directors-at-Large and the Immediate Past President.
SFL's Response to Concerns of Potential Violations
The principles and procedures outlined below will guide the SFL leadership as we seek to keep our community healthy and safe, to treat everyone with equity and respect, and to uphold our integrity as an organization. While SFL will typically follow the process set forth below when responding to concerns of improper conduct, it reserves flexibility to adjust its process based on an individualized assessment of each situation and as it deems appropriate.
- 1. Upon receiving a complaint of potential misconduct, the Vice President or their designee will oversee a process of inquiry and assessment. If the reported incident involves the Vice President, the Executive Committee member who received the report/complaint of alleged improper conduct or their designee will oversee the process. SFL will seek to conduct its inquiry and assessment as confidentially as possible, subject to its need to look into and respond to concerns, to keep the SFL community safe, and applicable law.
- 2. If the incident being reported involves a potential violation of law, SFL will strongly encourage the complainant to file a report with the appropriate law enforcement authorities and will cooperate with the appropriate authorities as needed. While working independently to ensure the safe continuance of SFL activities, SFL will take no action that may compromise a criminal investigation.
- 3. The Vice President (or other designated SFL Executive Committee member) will work with at least one (1) other Executive Committee member to assess the complaint and arrange, as determined appropriate, for an investigation to be conducted by internal SFL volunteers or an outside resource. Following the assessment and investigation of the complaint, a summary report regarding the initial complaint and assessment process will be shared with the Executive Committee in executive session.
- 4. Based on this summary, the Executive Committee will determine if this Code has been violated or other improper conduct has occurred and, if so, will determine the appropriate response and consequences. The Vice President (or other designated Executive Committee member in charge) will inform the complainant, the respondent (the accused), and any other relevant people involved in the incident of the conclusion of the process and the outcome. The Vice President (or other designated Executive Committee member) will inform the successor to the office of Vice President and/or members of the Ski for Light International Week Event Planning Committee on a confidential, need-to-know basis.
SFL prohibits retaliation against someone for raising good faith concerns of a violation of this Code or for participating in SFL's assessment and resolution processes.
Policy awareness and Distribution
- a. Event Participant Applications: Beginning with the event applications for the 2023 Ski for Light International Week, and continuing annually thereafter, all International Week event participant applications will include an item containing a link to the entire text of this Code of Conduct Policy. All applicants will be required to check a box indicating their agreement to adhere to the expectations set forth in this policy.
- B. Policy Awareness and Preparation: Effective immediately, and every year thereafter, the SFL Vice President will ensure that SFL leaders are made aware of and are prepared to implement this Code of Conduct Policy, as appropriate to their role.
Policy Review and Revision
This Policy will be reassessed for effectiveness and clarity no less than every three (3) years, or sooner if implementation results in either the imposition of serious corrective actions or involvement of law enforcement authorities. Any substantive changes to this Policy will be reviewed by legal counsel prior to final adoption by the Ski for Light Board of Directors.
Date adopted by SFL Board: June 27, 2022
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