Ski for Light Event Planning Manual

May 2013

11. Guide Skier Matching Coordinator

The matching of Instructor/Guides and VIPs and MIPs is an important task at every SFL event. Careful attention must be paid to the appropriateness of every pairing. Good pairings lead to a good week for attendees in most cases, while inappropriate pairings can lead to frustrations and an overall SFL experience that is not positive.

Guide/Skier matching takes place on the Saturday at the beginning of the week, and involves the efforts of seasoned SFL personnel with good knowledge of both veteran and new attendees. Always included in this process are the Instructor/Guide, VIP and MIP Applications Coordinators, the two Guide Training Coordinators and the SFL President. Also involved if his/her schedule permits is the Event Chair.

The role of the Guide/Skier Matching Coordinator is to gather the information about guides and skiers that will be useful in the matching process, to distribute this information in a useful format to those involved in the matching process ahead of time, and to lead and facilitate the actual matching meeting. The person selected to be Guide/Skier Matching Coordinator can be one of the coordinators already involved with the meeting, or someone else who has broad experience in SFL.

The matching meeting is generally more efficient and productive if there is a Recorder of matches available to participate in the meeting. This person creates and controls the master list of matches, using the entire list of skiers and guides as a starting point.


Three Weeks Before the Event

Two Weeks Before the Event

One Week Before the Event

International Week
