Ski for Light Event Planning Manual
June 2011
26. Sales Room Coordinator
The Sales Room Coordinator is responsible for the SFL Sales Room. All items sold should
be either ski-related, fitness-related, or commemorative to the SFL program. The availability
of items and location of the Sales Room, its opening times, and the benefit to SFL should
be communicated to all participants throughout the week. All sales items must be in good
taste and should be agreed upon in advance by the Sales Room Coordinator, Event Chair,
and SFL President.
Planning Meeting
- Depending on travel distance, time and budget constraints, you may be asked to
attend the planning meeting. If you do not attend, please ensure your responsibilities are
carried out by someone who does.
- Meet with Hotel Function Coordinator to determine room availability and time
- Determine number of volunteers necessary to staff the Sales Room.
- Determine bookkeeping and money management with the SFL Treasurer.
- Establish a lock safe procedure with the hotel.
- Review available inventory from last year's Sales Room.
- Meet with the SFL President and Event Chair to discuss merchandise ideas.
- Talk to person working with corporate sponsors to determine what sales items
donations are expected.
November 1
- Gather information on current year's resale items. Perennials include t-shirts (usually
supplied by JanSport) patches, pins, and Norwegian chocolate (usually ordered by Event
Chair or Vice-chair.
January 1
- Arrange for a cash register if a computer is not available.
- Arrange some mechanism to accept credit card payments. In recent years, this service
has been donated by Sons of Norway. Check with Event Chair to see how this will be
International Week
- Review donated items with corporate sponsor and silent auction chairs to determine
which items are to be sold in the Sales Room.
- Establish prices for items to be sold.
- Make contact with volunteers staffing the sales room.
- Hold general meeting with volunteers.
- Set up Sales Room.
- Secure cash/change for Sales Room.
Throughout the Week
- Determine hours sales room is to be open and provide to Announcer.
- Provide supervision for Sales Room.
- Keep Event Chair posted on needs.
- Maintain promotion of the Sales Room to the SFL community.
- Each evening, total the day's receipts recording number of items sold and deposit all
receipts in hotel safe.
- Sales Room should be closed no later than 5:00 P.M. on Saturday.
- Give all receipts for the week to the SFL Treasurer with notations for total of cash
received, total of checks received, and total of credit card receipts with an indication of
number of items sold.
- Pack up all sales room items for transport to storage location. Include in each box
an inventory of its contents.
- Compile a detailed inventory of leftover sales room item and forward to Event Chair
and SFL President.
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